I Have Chronic Bad Breath: Do I Need to See a Dentist for Help? By Alex Hecht on September 01, 2024

Woman with bad breath covering her mouth in embarrassment

Chronic bad breath can be as simple as poor oral hygiene. However, it can also be a sign of more serious oral health concerns. Learn about when you should visit Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist in Staten Island, NY, for chronic halitosis.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath or halitosis can be caused by a variety of issues.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing your teeth is a vital part of maintaining good oral health. It can also help prevent embarrassing bad breath. It is important to remember to also clean your tongue, as food particles can remain in your mouth and cause bad breath.


Foods like garlic, onions, and more can be the cause of bad breath. However, it should go away once you brush and floss your teeth.


Some medications are known to cause chronic bad breath. Be sure to speak to your doctor and find out if the medications you are taking could cause your halitosis. It is important to NOT stop any medications without first discussing it with your doctor.


Some illnesses can cause chronic bad breath, such as respiratory infections, liver disease, kidney disease, and problems with the digestive tract.

Tobacco Use

Tobacco use can lead to a variety of oral health issues, including chronic bad breath. It is best to quit all tobacco products to protect your oral health and overall health.

Gum Disease

Chronic bad breath is merely one symptom of gum disease. However, if you have bad breath paired with issues such as red, swollen, or tender gums, it is best to speak with your dentist.

Tooth Decay or Infections

Chronic halitosis can be a sign of tooth decay or infection, especially if paired with other signs such as tooth pain, tooth discoloration, bleeding gums, or an abscess. Tooth decay or infections can become serious, and it is best to have your dentist examine your mouth and treat the issues as quickly as possible.

What Happens if I Ignore Chronic Bad Breath?

While halitosis can seem minor, it can also be a sign of something more serious. Ignoring chronic bad breath can lead to serious oral health issues like:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Infection
  • Tooth loss
  • Jawbone deterioration
  • Pain

These issues can impact your oral health as well as your overall health. This is especially true if your bad breath is a symptom of a general health issue.

How Is Chronic Bad Breath Treated?

This will depend on the cause of your halitosis. Potential treatments may include:

  • Deep Cleaning/Root Planing and Scaling - A professional cleaning can remove plaque, tartar, and other build-up that can cause bad breath. If you have mild gum disease, this can also help treat that condition.
  • Antibacterial/Antiseptic Rinses - If you have gum disease, your dentist may recommend or prescribe certain mouthwashes that can target oral bacteria.
  • Root Canal Therapy - Infection in the tooth root can be difficult to treat with antibiotics alone. Root canal therapy can remove infected pulp and tissue to restore your oral health.
  • Fillings - A filling is a method of treatment to address tooth decay.
  • Full Mouth Reconstruction - If you have multiple oral health issues, full mouth reconstruction can transform your smile.

Want to Speak to Our Dentist About Chronic Bad Breath?

When in doubt, it is always best to speak to your dentist. Drs. Alex or Jason Hecht can perform an examination to help determine the root cause of your bad breath. They can then develop a custom treatment plan to help you eliminate this pesky and often embarrassing problem. To set up a visit, contact our Staten Island dental office today.

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Dr. Alex Hecht and Dr. Jason Hecht

Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Our family-run practice, led by Dr. Alex Hecht and Dr. Jason Hecht, is guided by compassionate and genuine care for our patients. Several distinctions set us apart:

  • Creating beautiful smiles since 1978
  • One of the largest practices in the region
  • Excellence in treating even the most complex cases
  • Advanced cone beam computed tomography (CT) scanner
  • Dedication to continuing education
  • Incorporation of the latest techniques

To set up a consultation or learn more about our services, reach out to our office online or call (718) 705-4434.

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