Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

The Dangers of Veneer Techs: Keeping Your Smile Safe

Aug 1, 2024 @ 11:11 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Veneers


Porcelain veneers are an amazing cosmetic dentistry treatment that can conceal a host of aesthetic issues with your smile, including cracks, chips, stains, and even gaps and misalignment. 

With the rise in popularity of this treatment, veneer techs have emerged, promising stunning results for a fraction of the cost of treatment with your dentist. While you may be saving money on the initial treatment, the damage caused by inexperienced dental work may cost you in the long run.

Explore why you should choose an experienced dentist like those at Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist in Staten Island, NY, to ensure a high-quality treatment that also protects your smile. 

Dentists are Trained and Experienced

Many of these veneer techs do not have proper dental training or qualifications, which can prove detrimental to your oral health. Dentists undergo extensive training on all aspects of oral health, as well as continued training and education to ensure the best care possible. Forbes recently reported that many of these veneer technicians only received two days of training before receiving certifications. These certifications do not qualify them to perform dental work. 

Dentists are Licensed

Dentists are licensed in the state they practice in. This helps to ensure safe treatment for their patients. Veneer techs are not licensed, meaning there is no regulation. This means you could be at risk of unsafe and unsanitary treatments which can put your oral and general health at risk. 

Dentists Have Access to Safe, Quality Materials

Because dentists are licensed, they have access to safe dental supplies. In many cases, veneer technicians have been found to use nail supplies often obtained from places such as Amazon. These materials can be unsafe for use in the mouth and can damage your teeth.

Dentists Assess Your Oral Health

Before your veneers are placed, your teeth and gums must be healthy. If you have active tooth decay or gum disease, it is essential that this is treated before porcelain veneers are placed. If these issues are not corrected, the infection and decay can spread, putting you at risk for serious oral health complications, including tooth loss. A skilled dentist can also determine if alternative treatment, such as a dental crown, may be better for your concerns and oral health.

Veneer Techs Can Damage the Tooth

Traditional veneers require a small amount of enamel to be removed from the tooth surface to ensure the veneers fit and blend properly with your other teeth. Veneer techs do not have the training and experience to do this to ensure the preservation of the tooth. Improper enamel removal can damage the tooth. This can lead to infection, decay, and even tooth loss, requiring more extensive dental treatments such as root canal therapy or even dental implants and restoration. Our dentists have over 35 years of experience, paired with formal education and training. 

Considering Veneers?

We understand that because veneers are cosmetic, they are a major investment in your smile. While veneer techs may seem like a good idea, especially since most are significantly cheaper, it could cost more in the long run, especially if you experience damage at the hands of an untrained individual. At Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist in Staten Island, NY, our dentists can place beautiful veneers that do not damage your oral health and function. We also offer several financing options to make treatment more affordable and accessible. 

Find out if porcelain veneers are right for you. Request a consultation today.