Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Should I Get All-on-4 or Traditional Dental Implants?

Jul 1, 2024 @ 10:47 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Dental Implants All On 4


Dental implants are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement as they provide numerous benefits. For patients missing most or all of their teeth, jawbone atrophy is a major concern that traditionally requires bone grafting. However, using the All-on-4® method to support dentures, patients with existing bone loss can experience the benefits of dental implants.

Explore the different types of implant placement performed at Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist and learn how our Staten IslandNY, implant dentists can restore your smile.

What Is the Difference Between All-on-4 and Traditional Implants?

Both types of implants use durable titanium posts to replace missing teeth. Here are a few key differences:

Why Does Bone Material Matter?

Dental implants act as artificial tooth roots to support custom restorations and stimulate the jawbone to stop and prevent atrophy. After the implants are placed, they fuse to the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. This process requires sufficient bone material to graft to, or the implants could fail. Traditionally, this required bone grafting to add bone material. Once healed, the patient could then move forward with dental implant placement. 

With the All-on-4 method of dental implant placement, four implants are placed. The two posterior implants are placed at a 45-degree angle. This maximizes the bone material that the patient has and provides sufficient material for the implant to fuse to, resulting in a stable foundation for your dentures. 

Will Four Implants Be Enough?

In most cases, four implants are sufficient for patients who undergo All-on-4 treatment. However, should your dentist determine more are needed, All-on-4 allows your dentist to place one or two more implants. Our Staten Island practice precisely plans and crafts your dental implant treatment to fit your needs and give you the best possible chance of success.

How Do I Know Which Is Right for Me?

During your initial consultation at our office in Staten Island, the dentist will examine your mouth and take detailed images. Patients with little to no jawbone atrophy can undergo traditional implant placement. Traditional implants are also best for those only missing a single tooth or a few teeth. 

All-on-4 dental implants are designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth. This method is also best for patients with mild-to-moderate jawbone deterioration. If you have significant bone loss, you may still require bone grafting in order to provide a secure foundation for your implants. 

Get Started on Your Journey

Missing teeth can make simple pleasures like eating and speaking difficult. Fortunately, dental implants and custom restorations can restore the health, function, and appearance of your smile. Get started on your smile restoration journey and discuss your options with our Staten Island dental team today. Call us or fill out our online form to request a consultation.