Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Afraid of Visiting the Dentist? Here's How We'll Help You Beat Anxiety

May 1, 2024 @ 09:59 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Sedation Dentistry

Dental anxiety is a common problem. In fact, about 36% of people in the United States report dental fear or anxiety. Dental phobia can prevent patients from receiving much-needed dental treatment, putting them at risk for issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. 

Fortunately, sedation dentistry offers a way for patients to relax during treatment, and can also benefit patients with other concerns. Explore how sedation options at Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist in Staten Island, NY, can help patients with dental anxiety and other special considerations. 

How Can Sedation Help?

Sedation dentistry involves using medication to induce a state of relaxation. Sedation options are beneficial for several different reasons, including helping patients who have:

Which Types of Sedation Are Offered?

Our Staten Island dentists use several types of sedation depending on your needs.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as laughing gas, this method of sedation works quickly and helps patients relax. This method is the lightest method of sedation, and you will remain conscious and alert, and able to communicate with your team. This method of sedation can be adjusted to ensure your comfort throughout your treatment, and it will wear off quickly once stopped so you can resume normal activities. Nitrous oxide is a good option for patients who need to alleviate anxiety or fear to get through their treatment.

Oral Conscious Sedation

For patients who need a deeper level of care to reduce fear or anxiety, oral conscious sedation is an anxiety medication that is taken right before your appointment. This induces a deeper level of relaxation. Oral conscious sedation may be a better option for patients with extreme anxiety or phobia, for more extensive dental work, or for those who do not respond well to nitrous oxide. 

How Else Do You Help Patients with Dental Anxiety?

Patient comfort is of utmost priority at Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist. We go above and beyond to ensure you are completely comfortable with your treatment options and use a variety of techniques to make your dental treatment a positive one.

Open Communication

Communication is very important when undergoing any dental procedure. It is important that you discuss all of your concerns with your dentist and team so we can ensure your questions are answered and help you understand your treatment so you feel empowered with your oral health care. If at any point during your treatment you feel afraid or in pain, let our team know so we can make adjustments to your care. 

Bring a Friend or Family Member

If you undergo oral conscious sedation, you will need a responsible adult to drive you to and from your appointment. However, sometimes having a trusted support person can help patients feel more at ease during their treatment.

Skilled Dental Team

Finding a dentist who caters to patients with dental anxiety or phobia can make all the difference in your dental experience. For over 35 years, Dr. Alex Hecht and Dr. Jason Hecht have provided patients with dental sedation. 

Ready to Discuss Your Sedation Dentistry Options?

If you have put off dental care due to dental anxiety, we can help! Don't risk your oral health. Our skilled dental team can navigate your care to ensure a comfortable and positive experience. Contact our office in Staten Island, NY, to learn more or get started.