Staten Island Aesthetic & Implant Dentist

Invisalign Appointment Frequency

Nov 13, 2018 @ 10:15 AM — by Alex Hecht
Tagged with: Invisalign

Crooked, gapped, or overlapped teeth can affect the appearance of your smile. If you are thinking about undergoing orthodontic treatment, Invisalign® is an excellent alternative to conventional braces.

Many of our Staten Island, NY patients are curious to know how often they will need to visit our office while undergoing treatment. Here, our team discusses Invisalign appointment frequency so you can know what to anticipate during the process.

Your Initial Consultation

Before you can be approved for Invisalign treatment, you will need to see your doctor for a comprehensive evaluation. During this visit, he or she will ensure that your teeth and gums are healthy enough for orthodontic treatment.

If you qualify for Invisalign, we will take impressions of your teeth. The Invisalign dental lab will use these impressions to create your custom plastic aligner trays. This process can take a few weeks to complete.

Delivery of Your Custom Trays

Once your Invisalign trays have been crafted, they will be shipped to our office. When you come to our office to get your aligners, we will assess the fit of your first set of aligners. We will also provide you with a list of instructions to follow during your treatment. This will include information about how often to wear your trays, as well as how to clean them effectively.

Follow-up Visits during Active Treatment

Once you start wearing your aligner trays, your dentist will see you every four to six weeks. These follow-up visits only last a few minutes, but they are an essential aspect of your treatment.

We will ensure your trays are fitting properly and monitor how much progress is made between each visit. This will help you stay on track and achieve your desired results in the appropriate amount of time.

Your Final Invisalign Appointment

The total length of Invisalign treatment can vary significantly for each individual.

For example, those with mild orthodontic issues may be able to complete treatment in as little as six months. Patients with more severe or complex misalignment problems may need to wear their Invisalign trays for 18 to 24 months.

When your teeth have completely shifted into their new, desired locations, we will see you for a final visit. During this appointment, we will check your bite to make sure forces are evenly spaced across the dental arches.

We will also talk with you about wearing a retainer. This device must be worn after your treatment to prevent the teeth from moving back into their original positions.

There are many different types of retainers. We can help you decide which option will fit your needs and lifestyle. In most cases, your retainer must be worn a few hours a night for the rest of your life.

Routine Dental Checkups

Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, you will still need to see your dentist on a routine basis for cleanings and examinations. That way, your dental team can keep a close eye on your oral health and detect any potential problems early on.

Contact Our Practice Today

If you would like to find out how Invisalign can enhance the appearance of your smile, schedule a visit at our practice today. After an initial consultation, we can design a customized treatment plan to meet your needs. Call us at (718) 705-4434 or contact us online.